• Select Fatwas from Imam Ahmad Raza Khan [Allāh have mercy on him]

    Question: What is the ruling concerning Muslims lengthening the moustache to the extent that it enters the mouth? Turkish are also Muslims, so why do they lengthen their moustache? Answer: To lengthen the mustache to the extent that it enters the mouth is Haram, and a sinful act, and it is the manner of the…

    Select Fatwas from Imam Ahmad Raza Khan [Allāh have mercy on him]
  • The Best of Creation ﷺ

    His names are, as he states: “I am Muhammad [the Oft-praised]; I am Ahmad [the Most frequent in praising Allah]; I am al-Mahi [the Eliminator] through whom Allah will eliminate disbelief; I am al-Hashir [the Gatherer], at whose feet people will gather; I am al-‘Aqib [the Final (prophet], after whom there is no prophet.’ Another…

    The Best of Creation ﷺ
  • Al-Ghazali and The Pool of Prophet Muhammad

    Know that the Pool is a great dignity which God has conferred solely upon our Prophet . A description of it is included in the Traditions. One of its qualities is that ‘whosoever drinks of it shall never thirst again’. Said Anas, “The Emissary of God once dozed off, and then lifted up his head…

    Al-Ghazali and The Pool of Prophet Muhammad
  • Visiting the Prophet and His status in His grave

    Ibn ‘Umar relates that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever visits my grave has certainly gained my intercession (shafa’ ati)” Ibn ‘Umar relates that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever performs Hajj then visits my grave after my passing will be like one who visited me during my worldly life.” al-Bayhaqi in al-Shu’ab recorded that…

    Visiting the Prophet and His status in His grave
  • Imam Ghazali on the Death of the Profligate and Things concerning Mankur and Nakir

    As for the profligate, his soul is take harshly, his face like the one who eats colocynth. The angels says, “Go away from me, oh you evil soul of noxious body!” Then he shrieks louder than the braying of a donkey. When ‘Izra’il seizes his soul he delivers it to the guardians of hell, who…

    Imam Ghazali on the Death of the Profligate and Things concerning Mankur and Nakir
  • On the possibility of seeing Prophets and Angels in a waken state

    Imam al-Suyuti writes: We begin with the Sahih hadith narrated that Abu Huraryrah (Radiyallahu ‘anhu) said, ‘The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, ‘”If someone sees me in a dream, he will soon see me while awake. Satan cannot imitate my form.’” The scholars say that people disagreed over the meaning of his words, ‘He will…

    On the possibility of seeing Prophets and Angels in a waken state